Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @10:01 PM
Still in the midst of End Of Year Exams.. Final one ends at 13 Oct, and then, freedom! Mission trips are cancelled tho.. :'( However, that means I can spend my one and a half month of chionging! :D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 @5:57 PM
Oh YESSSSSSSS!!!! I finally bought the Adobe Creative Suit 3.3 today!!
I booked it yesterday but still had to wait so long today for it luh, cos they didnt reserve for me.
Anw, at least I got it.
The collection combines the following:
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
Adobe Illustrator CS3
Adobe Fireworks CS3
Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional
Adobe Contribute CS3
Saturday, September 20, 2008 @9:13 PM
Note to self: People who do stupid things on tagboards or try impersonating people on tagboards have no life and are losers usually.
Friday, September 19, 2008 @10:49 PM
MY COMPUTER IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!!And I just came back from GCA 2008 and it was AWESOME!!!! I went with Lay Guan since no one else wanted to follow.. It was totally cool, every single gaming platform there, tons of games, and activities, including a free giveaway thing which I completely did not understand so I did not attend it, a stage where people could form teams and go on to play ROCK BAND!!, and man it was tough, I think the best few got prizes, there was also a quite huge area used for lan because there was a DOTA COMPETITION!!!! I SOOOOO wanted to go for it, but it was already the finals, I didnt hear anything about signing up for it, all the players were wearing some WGT shirt, and some were playing a different match from what was being broadcasted and used for the competition, and I even saw one match where one guy saved the game half-way, definately not used for competition. So I guessed that I had no chance in signing up for it anyway. There were quite a lot of cosplayers and it was so cool, all the latest games were there, from SPORE to Sims Apartment Life to Crysis Warhead to Fifa Online 2 to Guitar Hero 4 ... there were just too many games there and it was really soo aweome. I got to play quite some games, but most of the time were walking around taking magazines and flyers as souvenirs. Took some pictures at the last 5 minutes, it was really awesome. Here's some of the pics, the pictures are a bit not in order tho.
the registration, duh..
nice game, someone was owning in the game.
the sticker to entAR!
ew. mr moneybags or whatever u spell him as. his head is too big.
My buddies!
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @4:21 PM
Oh ya, I forgot, my com was sent for repair on September 15, thats why I cant use my com. It's still in the midst of getting upgraded now, so I still dont have it, so im using my other com now. Apologies for not being able to go online. But who exactly is the 'passby' person who tagged, please own up and tell me your name, do I even know you?
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @11:12 PM
alright, I know I havent been posting for a long time, it was because I was really pretty kind of sort of you can say a lot busy for the past few days. I had competitions and blah blah overload of homework. And I have to help work in my father's store everyday to earn money for my mission trip. Oh geez, its been so long since I actually had a real conversation with someone online. Haiz, and now FYE is coming soon, in 2 weeks time, but that also means that my exams will end in approximately one month time, yay.I have been redeemed by grace!!
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